Coming soon! A new and improved designer.
Thanks for using Tecstone GOLD. Office: 614.471.0660
Show your customers what their stone will look like finished! Get the order on the spot.
Automatically calculate the customer's price as you change sizes, colors and add options.
Get instant artwork approval. Save any revision time.

TS Gold is an exciting new Product that allows you to design beautiful, customized, colored drawings quickly and easily using TS GOLD’s extensive laser and sandblasting libraries. No design experience is necessary to use TS Gold and everyone can be up and designing in as few as 5 minutes. It allows you and your sales force to design custom monuments while the customer is waiting. It encourages families to participate in the design process, helping them to decide exactly the monument shape, color, and design they want.

Don from Indiana says:

"We’ve done two deals with customers over the phone without even meeting them. How? They explained what they wanted, I created it and then emailed it using the GOLD program. When they saw it, they bought it. GOLD paid for its yearly subscription fee in 3 days and I’m still on the Free trial."

Brian from Indiana says:

"Straight forward…simple…and when paired with Tecstone –GOLD delivers! It has increased my sales unbelievably."

Larry owns 4 stores in Northern Ohio

"The design program has allowed us to be more professional with our families, increase our closing ration toward 90%, completely eliminates any discounting, and helps us up-sell big time. We are way ahead of our competition."